


entity.get(idx: number[, by_userid: boolean]): entity

Returns a pointer to the specified entity.


entity.get_local_player(): entity

Returns a pointer to the local player.


entity.get_players([enemies_only: boolean, include_dormant: boolean, callback: function]):table

If the callback is nil, it returns the table of pointers to player entities. Otherwise the callback will be called. Access the player pointer using the arguments of the specified callback.


entity.get_entities([class: number/string, include_dormant: boolean, callback: function]): table

If the callback is nil, it returns the table of pointers to entities. Otherwise the callback will be called. Access the entity pointer using the arguments of the specified callback.


entity.get_threat([ hittable: boolean ]): entity

Returns a pointer to the current threat.


entity.get_game_rules(): entity

Returns the pointer to the CCSGameRulesProxy instance, or nil if none exists.


entity.get_player_resource(): entity

Returns the pointer to the CCSPlayerResource instance, or nil if none exists.


Getting FFI pointer

ent[0] : userdata

Returns the ffi pointer to the entity.

Getting netprop values

ent.prop_name: any

ent.prop_name[index]: any

ent["prop_name"]: any

local on_createmove = function(cmd)
    local localplayer = entity.get_local_player()
    if localplayer == nil then
    -- example 1
    local health = localplayer.m_iHealth

    -- example 2 [array netprops]
    local pitch = localplayer.m_flPoseParameter[12]

    -- example 3
    local stamina = localplayer['m_flStamina']
    print(('my health is: %d | pitch: %.1f | stamina: %d%%'):format(
        health, pitch,
        100 - (80 / 100 * stamina)


Setting netprop values

ent.prop_name = value

ent.prop_name[index] = value

ent["prop_name"] = value

for _, player in ipairs(entity.get_players(true)) do
  -- example 1
  player.m_bSpotted = true
  -- example 2 [array netprops]
  player.m_flPoseParameter[12] = 0.5
  -- example 3
  player['m_nSkin'] = 2



ent:is_player(): boolean

Returns true if the entity is a player entity.


ent:is_weapon(): boolean

Returns true if the entity is a weapon entity.


ent:is_dormant(): boolean

Returns true if the entity is dormant.


ent:is_bot(): boolean

Returns true if the entity is a bot.


ent:is_alive(): boolean

Returns true if the entity is alive.


ent:is_enemy(): boolean

Returns true if the entity is an enemy.


ent:is_visible(): boolean

Returns true if the entity is visible.


ent:is_occluded([ to_entity: entity ]): boolean

If the to_entity is nil, the local player is checked. Returns true if the entity is completely occluded for the current entity.


ent:get_index(): number

Returns the index of the entity.


ent:get_name(): string

Returns the player name, weapon name or class name if the entity is neither of those.


ent:get_origin(): vector

Returns the position vector of the entity.


ent:get_angles(): vector

Returns the absolute angles of the entity.


ent:get_simulation_time(): table

Returns a table containing current and old simulation time values.


ent:get_classname(): string

Returns the name of the entity's class.


ent:get_classid(): number

Returns the ID of the entity's class.


ent:get_materials(): table

Returns a table containing all materials used by the entity.


ent:get_model_name(): string

Returns the model name of the entity.



ent:get_network_state(): number

Returns the network state of the player.


ent:get_bbox(): table

Returns a table containing pos1, pos2, and alpha values.


ent:get_player_info(): table

Returns a table containing information from the player_info_t structure of the entity.

Table values: is_hltv, is_fake_player, steamid, steamid64, userid, and files_downloaded


ent:get_player_weapon([all_weapons: boolean]): entity / table

Returns a pointer to the player's weapon entity.

If all_weapons is true, returns a table containing pointers to every weapon entity the player is currently carrying.


ent:get_anim_state(): table

Returns a table containing information about the animation state of the player.

🧷 Animation state keys
  • [number] abs_yaw

  • [number] abs_yaw_last

  • [vector] acceleration

  • [number] acceleration_weight

  • [number] action_weight_bias_remainder

  • [boolean] adjust_started

  • [number] aim_matrix_transition

  • [number] aim_matrix_transition_delay

  • [number] aim_pitch_max

  • [number] aim_pitch_min

  • [number] aim_yaw_max

  • [number] aim_yaw_min

  • [number] anim_duck_amount

  • [number] animstate_model_version

  • [number] cached_model_index

  • [number] camera_smooth_height

  • [userdata] crouch_walk_aim

  • [boolean] defuse_started

  • [number] duck_additional

  • [number] duration_in_air

  • [number] duration_move_weight_is_too_high

  • [number] duration_moving

  • [number] duration_still

  • [number] duration_strafing

  • [number] eye_pitch

  • [number] eye_position_smooth_lerp

  • [number] eye_yaw

  • [boolean] feet_crossed

  • [boolean] first_foot_plant_since_init

  • [boolean] first_run_since_init

  • [boolean] flashed

  • [userdata] foot_left

  • [number] foot_lerp

  • [userdata] foot_right

  • [number] in_air_smooth_value

  • [number] jump_to_fall

  • [number] ladder_speed

  • [number] ladder_weight

  • [number] land_anim_multiplier

  • [boolean] landed_on_ground_this_frame

  • [boolean] landing

  • [number] last_foot_plant_update

  • [number] last_rendered_eye_z

  • [number] last_time_velocity_over_ten

  • [number] last_update_frame

  • [number] last_update_increment

  • [number] last_update_time

  • [number] last_velocity_test_time

  • [userdata] layer_order_preset

  • [number] left_ground_height

  • [boolean] left_the_ground_this_frame

  • [number] move_weight

  • [number] move_weight_smoothed

  • [number] move_yaw

  • [number] move_yaw_current_to_ideal

  • [number] move_yaw_ideal

  • [number] next_twitch_time

  • [boolean] on_ground

  • [boolean] on_ladder

  • [boolean] plant_anim_started

  • [entity] player

  • [boolean] player_is_accelerating

  • [userdata] pose_param_mappings

  • [vector] position_current

  • [vector] position_last

  • [number] previous_move_state

  • [number] primary_cycle

  • [number] recrouch_weight

  • [boolean] smooth_height_valid

  • [number] speed_as_portion_of_crouch_top_speed

  • [number] speed_as_portion_of_run_top_speed

  • [number] speed_as_portion_of_walk_top_speed

  • [userdata] stand_run_aim

  • [userdata] stand_walk_aim

  • [number] static_approach_speed

  • [number] step_height_left

  • [number] step_height_right

  • [number] strafe_change_cycle

  • [number] strafe_change_target_weight

  • [number] strafe_change_weight

  • [number] strafe_change_weight_smooth_fall_off

  • [boolean] strafe_changing

  • [number] strafe_sequence

  • [number] stutter_step

  • [vector] target_acceleration

  • [number] time_of_last_known_injury

  • [number] time_to_align_lower_body

  • [boolean] twitch_anim_started

  • [vector] velocity

  • [vector] velocity_last

  • [number] velocity_length_xy

  • [number] velocity_length_z

  • [vector] velocity_normalized

  • [vector] velocity_normalized_non_zero

  • [number] walk_run_transition

  • [boolean] walk_to_run_transition_state

  • [entity] weapon

  • [entity] weapon_last

  • [entity] weapon_last_bone_setup


ent:get_anim_overlay([idx: number]): table

Returns a table containing information about the specified animation layer. Pass nil to get every animation layer.

🧷 Animation overlay keys
  • [number] activity

  • [number] cycle

  • [number] dispatched_dst

  • [number] dispatched_src

  • [userdata] dispatched_studio_hdr

  • [number] invalidate_physics_bits

  • [number] layer_animtime

  • [number] layer_fade_outtime

  • [number] order

  • [entity] owner

  • [number] playback_rate

  • [number] prev_cycle

  • [number] sequence

  • [number] weight

  • [number] weight_delta_rate


ent:get_eye_position(): vector

Returns the eye position of the player.


ent:get_bone_position(idx: number): vector

Returns the position of the specified bone.


ent:get_hitbox_position(idx: number): vector

Returns the position of the specified hitbox.


ent:get_steam_avatar(): ImgObject

Returns a pointer to the Steam avatar image object of the specified entity.


ent:get_xuid(): string

Returns the Steam ID of the player.


ent:get_resource(): entity

Returns the pointer to the CCSPlayerResource instance attached to the player, or nil if none exists.


ent:get_spectators(): table

Returns a table of pointers to the players that are currently spectating the specified player.


ent:set_icon([icon: string])

Sets an icon in the scoreboard next to the specified player's avatar. The icon will be removed if no icon was provided.


ent:simulate_movement([origin: vector, velocity: vector, flags: number]): sim_ctx

This function allows you to simulate players' movement by optionally providing an origin, velocity, and flags. Returns an instance of the sim_ctx class containing details and tools for the movement simulation.

Simulation Context

This class encapsulates the context and results of a movement simulation initiated by :simmulate_movement.


sim:think([ticks: number])

Simulates the player's movement for a specified number of ticks. If not specified, it defaults to simulating for 1 tick.


Access functions listed below via :get_player_weapon function


ent:get_weapon_index(): number

Returns the index of the weapon.


ent:get_weapon_icon(): ImgObject

Returns the icon of the weapon.


ent:get_weapon_info(): userdata

Returns a pointer to the CCSWeaponInfo struct of the weapon.

🧷 Weapon Info keys
  • [number] max_player_speed

  • [number] max_player_speed_alt

  • [number] attack_move_speed_factor

  • [number] spread

  • [number] spread_alt

  • [number] inaccuracy_crouch

  • [number] inaccuracy_crouch_alt

  • [number] inaccuracy_stand

  • [number] inaccuracy_stand_alt

  • [number] inaccuracy_jump_initial

  • [number] inaccuracy_jump_apex

  • [number] inaccuracy_jump

  • [number] inaccuracy_jump_alt

  • [number] inaccuracy_land

  • [number] inaccuracy_land_alt

  • [number] inaccuracy_ladder

  • [number] inaccuracy_ladder_alt

  • [number] inaccuracy_fire

  • [number] inaccuracy_fire_alt

  • [number] inaccuracy_move

  • [number] inaccuracy_move_alt

  • [number] inaccuracy_reload

  • [number] recoil_seed

  • [number] recoil_angle

  • [number] recoil_angle_alt

  • [number] recoil_angle_variance

  • [number] recoil_angle_variance_alt

  • [number] recoil_magnitude

  • [number] recoil_magnitude_alt

  • [number] recoil_magnitude_variance_alt

  • [number] spread_seed

  • [number] recovery_time_crouch

  • [number] recovery_time_stand

  • [number] recovery_time_crouch_final

  • [number] recovery_time_stand_final

  • [number] recovery_transition_start_bullet

  • [number] recovery_transition_end_bullet

  • [boolean] unzoom_after_shot

  • [boolean] hide_view_model_zoomed

  • [number] zoom_level

  • [userdata] zoom_fov

  • [userdata] zoom_time

  • [string] weapon_class

  • [boolean] has_burst_mode

  • [boolean] is_revolver

  • [number] recoil_magnitude_variance

  • [string] weapon_name

  • [number] weapon_type

  • [number] weapon_price

  • [string] console_name

  • [number] max_clip1

  • [number] max_clip2

  • [string] world_model

  • [string] view_model

  • [string] dropped_model

  • [string] hud_name

  • [number] kill_award

  • [number] cycle_time

  • [number] cycle_time_alt

  • [number] time_to_idle

  • [boolean] full_auto

  • [number] damage

  • [number] headshot_multiplier

  • [number] armor_ratio

  • [number] bullets

  • [number] penetration

  • [number] range

  • [number] range_modifier

  • [number] throw_velocity

  • [boolean] has_silencer


ent:get_weapon_owner(): entity

Returns a pointer to the weapon owner's entity.


ent:get_weapon_reload(): number

Returns the weapon reload percentage (0.0-1.0), -1 if not reloading.


ent:get_max_speed(): number

Returns the maximum speed the player can move with the weapon.


ent:get_spread(): number

Returns the spread of the weapon in radians.


ent:get_inaccuracy(): number

Returns the inaccuracy of the weapon in radians.

Last updated